Vaibhav Singh

Machine Learning, Advance Data Analysis & Data Driven Marketing, insights & Visualization!

The Office - US Version

This post talks about one of the most famous TV show ever - The Office. Just Hop on & come in & enjoy - That's what she said !

The Office - US Version Before getting started Source of Data : These are the official transcripts from The office TV Show - US Version. Read more about the scrouce of data here Based on structure of data, seeking to get answers for below based on dataset: * 1. How long did it last ? Episodes per Season <br> 2. Whose line is it anyway?

Horror Movies: Scatter Plot

This post talks about analysis & visualization of Horror Movies dataset - Source IMDB

List of Horror Movies with various attributes from IMDB Before getting started Source of Data : This data comes from IMDB & includes horror movies with their various attributes like budget, user rating etc. Read more about data set here Based on structure of data, seeking to get answers for below based on dataset: 1. Do higher budget horror movies better rated ?