Vaibhav Singh

Machine Learning, Advance Data Analysis & Data Driven Marketing, insights & Visualization!

What is Data Blog ?

This post is for beginners - If this is your first time - Come right in !

Introduction This is a sample data blog, where in I will be working with one of the most famous & processed dataset in Data analytics & ML community mtcars. The comments & workings would be around the dataset, hence it is advisable to go through the dataset once. mtcars dataset –> 32 rows & 11 columns, column names as below: [, 1] mpg Miles/(US) gallon [, 2] cyl Number of cylinders [, 3] disp Displacement (cu.

Excel in R

This post goes through importing Messy data from Excel Spreadsheets to R

Excel in R Before getting started Inspiration for this Post : This post is basically for people working in Excel & looking to move to R. While importing Tidy Data in R is straight-forward, I have seen even seasoned users struggling to import Messy data from Excel to R. This creates sort of a barrier or a two step process, first clean data in Excel then import in R or use Excel altogether, both of which is not a great Idea.

Bob Ross Paintings: Percentile Plot

This post analyses Bob Ross Paintings from his PBS TV show The joy of painting - Source fivethiryeight

Bob Ross’s Paintings from TV show “The Joy of Painting” Before getting started Source of Data : First to all those people who are not aware of Bob Ross (like Me), he was an American Painter & TV host, his painted on his show & this dataset is born out of videos from his TV show Read more about Bob Ross here and read about data set here

Thanksgiving Data: Survey Response Analysis

This post is about Survey data analysis based responses of 1000+ respondents on Thanksgiving - Source fivethirtyeight

Survey response analysis based on Thanksgiving questionnaire from fivethirtyeight Before getting started Source of Data : This data is gathered using a SurveyMonkey poll, they asked 1,058 respondents on Nov. 17, 2015 the following questions about their Thanksgiving Read more about data set here and another report was done on this dataset by fivethiryeight Here’s What Your Part of America Eats On Thanksgiving.

Street Maps: A bird's eye view of Budapest - Geo Plot

This post talks about making Geo Plots of city based on its coordinates - Source Openstreetmap

Making streetplots based on coordinates from Openstreetmap Source of Data : *Entire credits to this visualization goest to Christian Burkhart & his awesome tutorial hungary <- getbb("Budapest Hungary") Budapest - City of Stars Budapest - Capital of Hungary