Vaibhav Singh

Machine Learning, Advance Data Analysis & Data Driven Marketing, insights & Visualization!

2019 - A Year in Bollywood

This post analysis Bollywood movies released in 2019, I started this post by some basic web scraping then build to analyse few interesting stuff

2019 - A Year in Bollywood Before getting started Source of Data : This is one of the first posts I am writing in which I have scraped the dataset myself off web Wikipedia Based on structure of data, seeking to get answers for below based on dataset: 1. Which Actor had most movies in 2019 2. Which Genre works & which don’t in bollywood ?

The Office - US Version

This post talks about one of the most famous TV show ever - The Office. Just Hop on & come in & enjoy - That's what she said !

The Office - US Version Before getting started Source of Data : These are the official transcripts from The office TV Show - US Version. Read more about the scrouce of data here Based on structure of data, seeking to get answers for below based on dataset: * 1. How long did it last ? Episodes per Season <br> 2. Whose line is it anyway?