Vaibhav Singh

Machine Learning, Advance Data Analysis & Data Driven Marketing, insights & Visualization!

What is Data Blog ?

This post is for beginners - If this is your first time - Come right in !

Introduction This is a sample data blog, where in I will be working with one of the most famous & processed dataset in Data analytics & ML community mtcars. The comments & workings would be around the dataset, hence it is advisable to go through the dataset once. mtcars dataset –> 32 rows & 11 columns, column names as below: [, 1] mpg Miles/(US) gallon [, 2] cyl Number of cylinders [, 3] disp Displacement (cu.

Excel in R

This post goes through importing Messy data from Excel Spreadsheets to R

Excel in R Before getting started Inspiration for this Post : This post is basically for people working in Excel & looking to move to R. While importing Tidy Data in R is straight-forward, I have seen even seasoned users struggling to import Messy data from Excel to R. This creates sort of a barrier or a two step process, first clean data in Excel then import in R or use Excel altogether, both of which is not a great Idea.

Hello World !

About this Webpage

What is this webpage all about ? This page is my one space for sharing my thoughts on varied topics ranging from marketing, Gaming, personal projects & of Course Data blogs. In early stages, I have decided to remain focus on developing & maintaining it for data blogs. Since it is integrated with R, I would be able to share my workings, code & visualization directly from my workspace.