Hello World !

About this Webpage

Posted by Vaibhav Singh on Saturday, November 16, 2019


What is this webpage all about ?

This page is my one space for sharing my thoughts on varied topics ranging from marketing, Gaming, personal projects & of Course Data blogs. In early stages, I have decided to remain focus on developing & maintaining it for data blogs. Since it is integrated with R, I would be able to share my workings, code & visualization directly from my workspace.

What the hell is a data blog ?

Data blogs are my way to share best & advanced practices to analyse a real world datasets. Though, I would primarily be using R for analysing & visualising the data, the fundamentals would remain same in any code-based methodology. Incase, any R enthusiast would want to have a look at my code it would be hosted on my github & snippets would also be a part of data blogs.

I don’t know anything about data analysis or visualization or R, Is this the right place for me ?

This is the perfect place for you, Infact you are my primary audience. My aim is to keep technical codes out of the scope as much as possible & keep all discussions around data blogs to be logical. The visualization are just manifestation of my thoughts made possible through different tools. So sit back relax, read up. Incase you feel inspired to learn & probably begin yourself, just buzz me.

Can’t I just use Excel to do the same ?

Did you know Excel was launched for Windows in 1987 & though its defitenly not the same as the first version, still it definitely remains a lot to be desired. Few of the reasons why I switched away from it.
1. Computationally Very Very Sloooooww
2. Can only handle 1M rows (Theoritically speaking)
3. Very limited features for data visualization
4. GUI based (Odd enough I know, but there is something about doing things your own way rather than simple clicking & pointing)
5. Filter, Pivot & Charts != Data Analysis 5. Plethora other reasons but I hope you get the point

Lastly, Few of the simpler techniques shown in the blogs would be replicable in Excel but most of them not.

How to set up a similar blog

The blog is made possible using integration of Rstudio, Hugo & Clean blog themes. It is based on huxblog Jekyll Theme and Clean Blog Jekyll Theme. If you want to setup the same look no further than this. Still, incase you need help to setup, I would be more than happy to assist.


I finally managed to set up a personal homepage - and how easy it was! Huge thanks to the developers of netlify, the R package {blogdown} Yihui Xie, Amber Thomas, Cedric Scherer, and Alison Presmanes Hill and the open-source Hugo framework. A huge shoutout to the twitter #rstats which is the best community for inspiring to learn new stuff.


I welcome & look forward to any feedback, criticism or recommendation. I am also extremely easy to work with & collaborate, just connect at singh.vaibhav033@gmail.com If you are reading this & find it helpful, you can just drop a mail & say “Hi” :-)

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