Simpson Guest Stars: Interactive Tree

This is a short post on analysis of guest stars on Simpsons TV Show - Source Wikipedia

Posted by Vaibhav Singh on Sunday, November 17, 2019


Guest Stars who have appeared on Simpsons TV Show

Before getting started

Source of Data :

This data comes from Wikipedia & includes list of celebrities who have made a guest appearance on Simpsons TV show (All Seasons)

Read more about data set here and here

Based on structure of data, seeking to get answers for below based on dataset:

1. Which Season did maximum guest stars feature in? – refer plot 1
2. Who were the guest stars with maximum appearance on the Simpsons? – refer plot ??

Lets get started

Read more about data set here

  1. Viewing raw sample data
season number production_code episode_title guest_star role self
1 002–102 7G02 Bart the Genius Marcia Wallace Edna Krabappel; Ms. Melon FALSE
1 003–103 7G03 Homer’s Odyssey Sam McMurray Worker FALSE
1 003–103 7G03 Homer’s Odyssey Marcia Wallace Edna Krabappel FALSE
1 006–106 7G06 Moaning Lisa Miriam Flynn Ms. Barr FALSE
1 006–106 7G06 Moaning Lisa Ron Taylor Bleeding Gums Murphy FALSE
1 007–107 7G09 The Call of the Simpsons Albert Brooks Cowboy Bob FALSE
  1. Which Season did maximum guest stars feature in ?
    It seems Season 20 onwards frequency of guest stars started increasing

    Figure 1: It seems Season 20 onwards frequency of guest stars started increasing

  2. Which guest star had the most appearance on Simpsons

Tree Plot showing the number of appearances made by celebrity guest & which season did they occur max in


Figure 2: Marcia Wallace & Phil Hartman are the popular choice for guest celebrity, perhaps their character had a recurring role (Thats right, I have not seen The Simpsons :)

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