Horror Movies: Scatter Plot

This post talks about analysis & visualization of Horror Movies dataset - Source IMDB

Posted by Vaibhav Singh on Sunday, November 17, 2019


List of Horror Movies with various attributes from IMDB

Before getting started

Source of Data :

This data comes from IMDB & includes horror movies with their various attributes like budget, user rating etc.

Read more about data set here

Based on structure of data, seeking to get answers for below based on dataset:

1. Do higher budget horror movies better rated ?– refer plot 1
2. Are horror movies in general have lower rating ? – refer plot 2
3. Have horror movies gotten better & lengthier over time ?– refer plot 3
4. Which words appear most often in Horror movies plots ? – refer plot 4

Lets get started

  1. Viewing raw Sample Data

The data is uncleaned with many values as NA, need to preprocess before moving to next step

  1. Cleaning the data

  2. Data Exploration Section

No relation ship between Budget & ratings

Figure 1: No relation ship between Budget & ratings

Ratings are generally Normally distributed

Figure 2: Ratings are generally Normally distributed

Yearwise change in rating
Yes! Horror movies gotten better over years & have they gotten shorter in length

Figure 3: Yes! Horror movies gotten better over years & have they gotten shorter in length

Words that occur most often in horror movie plot

Figure 4: Words that occur most often in horror movie plot

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